Outlaw Orange Creamsicle Pouches - 6 Pack

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Outlaws Orange Creamsicle pouches taste just like it sounds! A little bit of tang and whole lot of cream... our orange creamsicle is the perfect dip to have you drooling by the pool! The tanginess of the orange makes the perfect combo with the creamy sweet goodness! We know you're going to love our Orange Creamsicle... or should we say DREAMsicle.

This is a complete smokeless tobacco healthy alternative to moist snuff. It is 100% TOBACCO FREE AND NICOTINE FREE but if you choose so we infuse each pouch with NiC-SAFE™ so you can still enjoy the same buzz as nicotine but without all the harmful side effects! Our dip is FDA cleared and are the leading brand of nicotine alternative chew on the market! 15 pouches per can.

NiC-SAFE™ is a NON addictive Nicotine alternative that still gives you a buzz! If you’re coming from Nicotine or Tobacco and still want to feel a head rush, then we suggest trying our NiC-SAFE™ options. You can read more about it here: What is NiC-SAFE™?

Pack. Dip. Spit. ENJOY!

Try our other flavors as well! BUILD A CUSTOM 6 PACK AND SAVE MONEY!





Tobacco &
Nicotine Free