
Outlaw Killer Vaniller Pouches


Outlaw's Killer Vaniller is our creamiest flavor yet! Possibly the most saught after flavor of dip EVER!!! Our Vanilla blend features notes of Creamy Vanilla, Toasted Marshmallo and Tobacco to satisfy that sweet tooth. Your late night cravings STOP HERE! Pack. Dip. Spit. ENJOY! 100% TOBACCO & NICOTINE FREE!!!

NiC-SAFE™ is a NON addictive Nicotine alternative that still gives you a buzz! If you’re coming from Nicotine or Tobacco and still want to feel a head rush, then we suggest trying our NiC-SAFE™ options. You can read more about it here: https://outlawdip.com/blogs/blog/what-is-nixamide

Try our other flavors as well! BUILD A CUSTOM 6 PACK AND SAVE MONEY!